Friday, February 17, 2012

In art class we were making skittle art. Skittle art is when you have a mosaic and each little square is one skittle. This project was a great idea but it is way to time consuming I am no where done with 4 days of it. Plus if you have a huge picture like mine the more skittles you needed of one color, I ran out of a certain color twice and it is only half way done.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

This piece was not very good of my skill. I do not have that much skill but I felt like it was just hard to do a good job of this

This project in art did not turn out well at all. I could not figure out how to shade good and the tracing from the original picture did not show up how it was supposed to. Since I did not know how to shade the drawing properly I could not really finish the whole entire head like the neck and shoulders. I have learned from this piece I will never do portraits of people with a pencil.

If you can tell I am a competitve dancer not an artist.
   This is me, it turned out way better than mine.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Our group chose sleep as our category so we decided to create the sleeping dream.  

One of my group members and I are working on the cloud of our masking tape drawing.

This project seemed a lot easier than it really was. I thought tape would be easy to use but trying to round it was very hard.